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Physiotherapy services for jaw pain in Burlington


Temporomandibular Disorder


Get Relief from Jaw Pain At Our Burlington Physiotherapy Clinic

Are you finding it hard to open your mouth when eating or yawning? Do you regularly hear a pop when you open or close your mouth? You may be experiencing a TMD condition and physiotherapy can help resolve your jaw issues.

Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) is a collective term that describes a number of clinical problems that involve the muscles used for mastication (chewing), the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and associated structures around the jaw or both. Estimates show that symptoms of TMDs occur in approximately 6% to 12% of the adult population. Although TMJ problems can occur at any age, they are most common in adults aged 18 to 45 years and four to five times more common in women than in men.


Typically, a dentist or doctor will diagnose TMD and then refer patients to a physiotherapist to help resolve the problem. Our physiotherapists are highly skilled at treating TMD and can help identify the cause of your pain. Symptoms associated with TMD can include TMJ pain, decreased jaw movement, joint clicking, headaches, neck pain, facial pain, and pain with chewing.


TMD pain is usually caused by teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism), osteoarthritis in the joint of the jaw, articular disk subluxation or dislocation in the jaw, or muscle guarding/myofascial trigger points of the muscles used for chewing.

TMD pain , dislocation of the disc between the ball and socket joints of the jaw, stress or some type of trauma.​. The most common symptoms of a TMD include:

  • Pain or tenderness of your jaw

  • Facial pain

  • Pain in one or both jaws

  • Locking of the jaw with difficulty opening to closing the mouth

  • Headaches on the sides of the head

  • Pain in and around your ears (ear ache)

  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Physiotherapy clinic in Burlington for lasting pain relief!

How Can Physiotherapy Help With Jaw Pain?

Treatment options for TMD include surgery, injections, medications, intraoral appliances, biofeedback, dry needling, and physiotherapy.


Outcomes reported with the use of surgery and intraoral appliances in treatment of TMD have been disappointing with only 50% of patients who underwent TMJ arthroplasty viewing the outcome as favorable 6-month follow-up examination. 


Intraoral appliances, are used in theory to create a natural resting position of the lower jaw bone to reduce excessive tension in the muscles used for chewing and relieve pain, have been shown to be less effective than a physiotherapy approach in the management of TMJ articular disk anterior displacement without reduction syndrome.


Patients with jaw pain and received physiotherapy combined with active exercise showed significant reductions in pain and increases in range of motion (ROM) of the jaw compared to a group with the soft repositioning splint. Overall, studies on the use of manual therapy techniques and exercise at the jaw or neck delivered by a physiotherapists to treat TMD showed significant short-term improvement compared with other conservative interventions to increase active range of motion (AROM) of mouth opening and to decrease pain during active mouth opening.


If you are experiencing jaw pain, it is time to take action! Request an appointment as soon as possible with Cogent Physical Rehabilitation Center.


Visit Our Burlington Physiotherapy Clinic For Jaw Pain Relief! 

Your Next Steps...

  1.   Request An Appointment

  2.   Receive A Personalized Treatment Plan

  3.   Work Hard And Progress In Your Recovery

  4.   Recover & Enjoy Life As You Should

Physical exercises vary widely from general land-based or aquatic exercise to neck-specific endurance, strength, stretching or McKenzie exercises. When exercise was compared with no treatment or placebo, or evaluated as an additional treatment for neck pain, strength, endurance, motor control and stabilizing exercises were beneficial in chronic neck pain, cervicogenic headaches and cervical radiculopathy.

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